Kathryn expressed a love for singing from a young age, and she joined her first school choir at the age of seven. However, it was not until she reached seventeen that she felt a calling to dedicate her life to singing to God.
“A friend recommended that I visited Taizé in France for a youth week. The experience was truly life changing – I felt the reality of Christianity unlike ever before. There was a sense of unity among the Christians who I met, a peace and serenity that I had never felt before, and I discovered a lot about myself and my faith.”

Kathryn seeks to worship God through song, and she has an acute desire to bring the joy that she feels when singing to other people. She says, “Faith is a great blessing, but can also be a very difficult thing. I was a teenager when I developed my faith in God, and I often felt out of place and lost. I struggled to find out who I was and to become the person I knew I was designed to be. Singing helped me to reconnect with my faith and express my feelings when I could not find the words to do so.” Kathryn seeks to bring this expression of faith to other people, that it might enhance their faith as it has enhanced hers.
God is always present with us, and yet we often find it hard to feel Him. Kathryn describes a feeling of peace when she sings which is so powerful she finds it hard to breathe. Kathryn believes that this peace comes with the presence of God and she wants to help others experience His love through this peace. “I sometimes feel confused or alone, and like everyone I sometimes feel sad. At these times the only thing I can do is to sing. It’s like a warmth floods through me and I feel as comforted as if I were being held in the arms of God. How can I keep this to myself when I could help others feel so loved and so precious?”
Kathryn sings songs from many denominations of Christianity in honour of the unity of faith expressed in Taizé. “I struggle with the thought that God can be confined to a single denomination. There is beauty in every Christian tradition.” The songs also express the love, peace, joy and hope that are the cornerstones of the Christian faith.
About the music
Kathryn’s music draws on the traditions of Christians throughout the world and creates a rich tapestry of ecumenical devotion to God. She aims to bring together the beauty of devotional music from a range of denominations to enable others to experience the peace and joy that she has experienced through singing. Kathryn’s music is the way she communicates her love of God to others.
Music from Kathryn Crosweller
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See Kathryn Crosweller
YouTube Playlist | YouTube Channel