Mantra Choir is a unique experience in community devotional expression. Sitting somewhere between Rock Choir and the popular kirtan performances of the likes of Krishna Das, Mantra Choir blends the ancient euphoric call and response art of kirtan with upbeat counterpoint melodies to provide a beautifully rich sound and experience.

What is unique about Mantra Choir is that the audience literally become the performers! Everyone can take part regardless of musical ability or previous singing experience.
Jayadev (aka John Richardson) breaks the audience into sections and gives each section a counterpoint of one of his beautiful self-penned mantras to sing.
Once that section is comfortably singing their piece, Jayadev moves onto the next section and so on, until everyone is singing blissfully in perfect harmony.
Jayadev will have a group of total musical novices singing like a professional chorus within minutes. Mantra Chorus is an experience not to be missed and one which will stay with the participant for many years to come. Jayadev has created Mantra Choirs in the UK, Europe, Eastern Europe, Russia and the USA.
He is well over half way to achieving his goal of creating 108 Mantra choirs worldwide. Don’t miss out on this experience of a life time, where literally…. YOU ARE THE MUSIC!
Music from Mantra Choir
See Mantra Choir
YouTube Playlist | YouTube Channel